Parish Groups

For more information:
NOTE this page needs updating. Please see the parish newsletter or click on the NEWS tab. Alternatively, contact the parish office on 01723 360358.

Adoration in each church
– see newsletter for times
Morning Prayer (Divine Office): St Joseph’s: 15 minutes before morning Mass; St Peter’s: 15 minutes before Saturday morning Mass
Rosary before Mass Fridays 9am (St Peter’s); after Mass Thursdays (St Joseph’s)
Rosary for the Unborn & for World Peace Sunday’s, monthly from April to August at 7pm, and from September to March 2.45pm (Please check weekly newsletter for the venue and date each month).
Stations of the Cross after Friday Mass (St Peter’s)
Sacred Heart Devotion Fridays after Mass (St Peter’s)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help devotion 3rd Wednesday monthly (St Peter’s after Mass)
Mothers’ Prayers Tuesdays 12.30pm (St Peter’s Parish Centre upper room)
Divine Mercy Devotion Fridays at 2.45pm (St Peter’s: in the Church in Summer, in the Sacristy in Winter)
Emmaus Ecumenical Scripture sharing group, Thursdays 2pm fortnightly (St Edward’s)
Ascent (Life Ascending) 2nd Thursday monthly 10am (St Joseph’s bungalow)
Our Lady’s Prayer Group 2-4pm 1st Thursday, monthly (St Joseph’s bungalow)
Iconography Group (Spiritual painting of Holy Images) 2-4pm Thursdays, fortnightly with term time breaks (Peter’s Parish Centre)

Legion of Mary Saturdays after Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – approx 10.30am (St Peter’s Parish Centre)
SVP (St Vincent De Paul Society) StPeters: 7.30pm first Monday of month (Parish Centre), St Joseph’s: Tuesdays fortnightly 7.30pm (Newman Room)
UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers) 1.30pm (Winter-time), 7pm (Summer-time) third Tuesday monthly (St Peter’s Parish Centre)

Youth Club Fridays, term-time weekly from 6.30pm at St Augustine’s School. For children in years 5,6,7 & 8. £1 subs. Lots of activities
Craft Groups: St Peters:
7-9pm last Tuesday of month in the Parish Center; St Joseph’s: normally 2-4pm fortnightly in the bungalow behind the church.
Parent & Toddler Group Term time Mondays weekly at 9.30am in  the bungalow behind St Joseph’s Church

Barrowcliff Churches Together Lunches
12-1pm every 4th Tuesday of the month at Wreyfield Methodist Church
South Cliff Churches Together For details of meetings and events, contact Fr Albert Schembri at St Joseph’s Church