
CONGRATULATIONS to Tochi Austen Ejimddo baptised at  St Peter’s Church on Sunday 22 September 2024

ALTAR SERVERS at St Edwards Church for Sunday Mass

GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CONGRATULATIONS to Hugh and Jane Connor, who received a blessing at St Peter’s Church on 10 August 2024

ST PETER’S SCHOOL LEAVERS MASS at St Joseph’s Church on 16 July 2024

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASSES at St Joseph’s Church on Saturday 8 June and at St Peter’s Church on Saturday 15 June, and GOING FORTH MASS with presentation of First Holy Communion Certificates on Sunday 23 June at St Peter’s Church.

WE WELCOME David and Carla Thompson who became full members of the Catholic Church Sunday 16 June at 11.30am Mass at St Peter’s Church.

ST AUGUSTINE’S SCHOOL has provided us with this collage of their recent pilgrimage to Lourdes

WE WELCOME into the church twins Chibuifem Leona and Chinyelugo Leo-Stanley Ezewudo who were baptised during Mass at St Peter’s Church on Sunday 19 May 2024

PARISH RETREAT at Ampleforth Abbey led by Benedictine Monk, Fr Bede. Ampleforth Abbey has seen recent refurbishments and a brand new visitors centre in which information on the history and life of the Abbey, and various artifacts are displayed, with interactive children sections. There is also a tea room and gift shop in the building. Outside a new Marian garden has been erected (see photo).

DISPLAY AT ST PETER’S CHURCH of objects excavated by Heritage Adventures Ltd and some of our Scarborough parishioners at St Peter’s during trial trenching in 2019. Do take a look.

CONGRATULTIONS to Thomas and Sophia, married last Thursday 4 April at St Joseph’s Church.

CONGRATULATIONS to Graham, who was received into full communion with the Catholic Church on Easter Sunday 31 March 2024 at St Joseph’s.

CONGRATULATIONS to Zofia Motyka Gianna Munachimso Ezeoke, baptised on Easter Sunday 31 March at St Peter’s.

EASTER BONNETS at the Easter Sunday Mass at St Joseph’s

POLISH EASTER BLESSING Around 150 Polish people came to St Peter’s on the morning of Saturday 30 March (Holy Saturday) for blessing Easter basket of food.

ECUMENICAL WALK OF WITNESS 2024 through the town of Scarborough was well attended by all Scarborough churches


PARISH INTERNATIONAL VARIETY CONCERT at the YMCA on Friday 22 March was a great night for all and we raised around £2,000 for St Catherine’s Hospice!

80TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for Margaret Wells in St Peter’s Parish Centre on 1 March 2024, with her church friends. Best wishes to Margaret from the parishioners of Scarborough Parishes.

ADVENT RETREAT DAY at Ampleforth Abbey on 14 December. We had reflection on the meaning of the Christmas story, Mass, Confession and Adoration. It was a beautiful and spiritually nourishing day for all.

WREATH LAYING at the Fred Gilroy statue on North Bay on 11 November, in remembrance.

100TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for Sheila Westland on 1 October 2023 at St Edward’s Church, Scarborough. Her niece Angela is also in the photo. Sheila was Deputy Head at The Bar Convent School York for many years. She is well known across York. She continues to enjoy good health. Ad Multos Annos

CONGRATULATIONS to Helen Benson and William Robson, married at St Peter’s Church on Friday 29 September 2023

CONGRATULATIONS to Katie Atkinson and Thomas Welburn, married at St Edwards Church Saturday 30 September 2023

BENE MERENTIS were presented to Hugh and Jane Connor after the 5.30pm Vigil Mass last Saturday 23 September. The family gathered from various parts of the UK. It was in recognition of their witness to marriage, familylife, service to education and tho the wider community. See Photos on the parish website and Facebook page.

CONGRATULATIONS to Chris and Pat Scutt, who celebrated their 65th (blue sapphire) wedding anniversary on 23 August. A bouquet presentation was made at Mass the following Sunday at St Joseph’s Church. They were married by Fr O’Regan at Our Lady and St Edward’s Church, Driffield.

BAPTISM of Ava Hughes at St Joseph’s Church at the 9.30am Sunday morning Mass on 9 July 2023.

ST PETER’S SCHOOL 30TH ANNIVERSARY & YEAR 6 SCHOOL LEAVERS MASS Pupils and Staff mark 30 years (Pearl) of St Peter’s ‘new’ school and year 6 leavers, in a Mass held on 20 July 2023 at St Joseph’s Church.

PARISH DINNER at North Cliff Golf Club on Friday 7 July 2023 to  celebrate 165 years of St Peter’s Church, with entertainment from impressionist, Kevin Connelly.

MASS FOR 165TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST PETER’S Bishop Terrence Drainey celebrated Mass at St Peter’s on Sunday 2 July to mark 165 years of St Peter’s Church, and cut the celebratory cake afterwards.

First cohort at St Joseph’s Church on Saturday 10 June. Second cohort at St Peter’s Church on Saturday 17 June.

CONFIRMATION SERVICE 22 candidates were confirmed by bishop Terry on Friday 9 June at St Joseph’s Church, including 2 adults. 4 candidates were from Our Lady Star of the Sea 3 parishes of Bridlington, Filey and Eastfield.

MAY PROCESSION of St Peter’s School children at St Joseph’s Church on Friday 19 May 2023.

PARISH PICNIC to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III in the grounds of St Peter’s School. As it rained we all came inside, along with the entertainment and face painting, but sadly the bouncy castle had to be cancelled. Many photos were taken. See if you can spot your family and friends

CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES 2023 15 candidates from our three parishes, with Catechists Sara and Andrew

CROWNING OF MARY at St Peter’s Church following a short procession on Sunday 7 May 2023

CROWNING OF MARY at St Joseph’s Church following a procession around the church on Sunday 7 May 2023

TERRY GRAHAM FROM SPUC gave a talk to the Union of Catholic Mothers Tuesday on 18 April in St Peter’s Parish Centre

GOOD FRIDAY 7 April at St Peters: People were invited to light a candle in memory of those in our family who have died with Christ that they may rise in glory with him.

GOOD FRIDAY 7 April Ecumenical Walk of Witness from Town Centre to Scarborough Castle. A great turnout from our own churches and those of other denominations, and a great Witness to Christ in our town.


PARISH LENT RETREAT DAY at Ampleforth Abbey Wednesday 29 March 2023, led by Benedictine monk, Fr Gabriel


ST ATHANASIUS COPTIC MONASTERY Visit by our parishes to the Monastery on Friday 24 March 2023 where we prayed the Stations of the Cross.

BAPTISM congratulations to Austin James Jinu on Wednesday 15 March at St Peter’s Church. 

MASS OF ENROLMENT for 1st Holy Communion on Sunday 26th February 2023.

80TH BIRTHDAY Jennie Eyre, who turned 80 on Sunday 5 February was presented with a gift and flowers at St Edward’s Church at the Saturday Vigil on 4 February. Jenny is a tireless worker for our school and parishes and is truly a blessing. There will be a glass of wine and cake for her this Friday 10 Feb after morning Mass in St Peter’s.

GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Sue and Chris Stubbings who celebrated 60 years of marriage on 27 January 2023. There was a celebration in the parish centre after morning Mass, and on Sunday 29 January they renewed their vows during Mass at St Peter’s. Sue and Chris brought in they beautiful wedding photo album to share their memories.

UNITY SERVICE Members of our parish joined the Ecumenical Service for the Week of Christian Unity at Queen Street Methodist Hall on Sunday 22 January 2023

MALAYALI COMMUNITY welcome the New Year at Burniston Hall on 7 January 2023


CAROL SINGING by the children’s choir at Combe Hay in December 2022

80TH BIRTHDAY PARTY for Paul Kenyon at St Edward’s on Monday 2 January 2022

ST PETER’S SCHOOL CRIBS Children from St Peter’s School have been making Christmas cribs. Excellent work by the children.

NEW ALTAR SERVERS Admission of Altar Servers into the Guild of St Stephen in November 2022 at St Peter’s and St Joseph’s Churches.

VISIT TO THE RELICS OF ST BERNADETTE at Middlesbrough Cathedral on Monday 3 October 2022. There was time for veneration before a votive Mass and departure of the Relics. St Augustine’s School was one of several schools present on the day.

ANNE SEEGOOLAM has completed her pilgrimage of the Camino De Santiago to raise funds for St Peter’s restoration. Some photos from Anne from part of their time there. She said “Had an arduous walk today. Have now crossed into Galicia frontera. 9th century church in O Cebriero on the Camino route. Lit candles for parishioners in Scarborough and all special people.

CONGRATULATIONS to Keith and Jean Bear on the occasion of their Golden wedding anniversary (50 years). Keith and Jean renewed the  wedding vows at St Joseph’s Mass on Sunday 31 July.

FR IAN MCLEAN OPRAEM RIP Please keep in prayer Fr Ian McLean OPraem of the Norbertine Community in Muston, Filey, who passed away on 2 August. His Requiem Mass will be at 12 noon on Tuesday 16 August at St Mary’s, Filey. Fr McLean was born 23 August 1939 and was educated at Ealing Abbey School. He worked as a journalist and as a jazz musician and editor for Jazz News. He joined the Norbertine Order at Storrington Priory in 1965 receiving the habit on 8 September. He was professed in 1967 and ordained on 5 February 1972. He worked in Storrington, Manchester and Northern Ireland.
Ill health caused him to retire to a care home, but he was able to join the community at Muston in 2016.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and may his soul rest in peace and rise in glory.

 SPONSORED WALK Ann Seegoolam and friends, Jackie Shilleto and Rebecca Coser hope to raise £5,000 to help fund essential building repairs to some of the windows at St Peter’s Church by walking the Camino Frances route of the Camino de Santiago. They will walk a distance of 500 miles over 40 days between the end of August and the beginning of October. If you would like to sponsor them, go to their Just Giving page at

PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP final group before breaking up for the summer.

Celebrations were over two days with a Jubilee Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough on Thursday 23 June for Fr Gubbins, Monsignor Dasey and Fr David Grant (Beverley), and also for the Silver Jubilee of Fr John Bane (25years). Then on Friday 24 June a Mass was said for Fr Gubbins at St Peter’s Church, followed by a Ceilidh in St Mary’s Hall.

Jubilee Mass at Middlesbrough Cathedral:

Jubilee Mass at St Peter’s Church:

 Ceilidh and get together at St Mary’s Hall:

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION at St Joseph’s on Saturday 11th and 18th June and at and St Peter’s on Sunday 19th June 2022

QUEEN’S PLATINUM JUBILEE PARISH PICNIC & FUN DAY Friday 3 June in St Peter’s School grounds included a Magic Show and Disco, bouncy castle, face painting and more. The sun shone and it was a well attended and fantastic family day. Photos in no particular order:

THE BIG DIG 2022 took place at the end of May in the Paradise area of Scarborough’s Old Town, next to St Mary’s Church. Children from St Peter’s (pictured below) and St Georges Schools took part in excavating and assessing the finds. 

MARGARET LEE celebrated her 90 Birthday on 28 May 2022

CHRISM MASS at St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough during Holy Week on Tuesday 12 April.

MAY CROWNING OF MARY in our parishes

ECUMENICAL WALK OF WITNESS on Good Friday 15 April 2022 from Scarborough Town Centre to the Castle, culminating in a Good Friday service.

RETREAT DAY of the Indian community with their bishop Mar Joseph Srampickal  at St Edward’s Church on Sunday 20 March

ST PATRICK’S NIGHT celebrations at the Central Hotel on Friday 18th March. Our first proper parish event since lockdown. A great time was had by all!

HEALTH & SAFETY SESSION last Wednesday 23 March at St Peter’s… how to put out a fire!

CHILDREN’S CHOIR First rehearsal on Saturday 19 March at St Peter’s.15 children turned up.

CHRISTIAN UNITY SERVICE for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was organised by Churches Together in Scarborough Service and was held at Westborough Methodist Hall on Sunday 23 January 2022. Members of our churches were there to represent our parishes, with one member reading, and three others flying the Christian Unity Flag.

ENROLLMENT OF NEW ALTAR SERVERS into the Guild of St Stephen at St Joseph’s Church on the Feast of St Stephen


REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY at St Joseph’s Church on 14 November 2021

REMEMBRANCE SERVICE on Remembrance Sunday by the memorial cross at St Peter’s Church in Scarborough.

BLESSING & DEDICATION OF ST AUGUSTINE’S SCHOOL CHAPEL on Friday 12th November 2021 by Bishop Terence Drainey. The Chapel was dedicated to St Pope Gregory the Great, who in 595 chose St Augustine of Canterbury to lead a mission to England (known as the Gregorian Mission). St Augustine, to whom the School is dedicated, is known as the “Apostle to the English”. St Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury and founded the English Church.

CONFIRMATION 34 teenagers and 5 adults were confirmed by Bishop Terrence Drainey at St Joseph’s Church on Thursday 4 November.

PRAY & PLAY October 2021 session. The children heard the story of the 10 Lepers and how only 1 went back to say thank you. They made thankyou cards, iced thankful gingerbread people, made scarecrows to thank God for the harvest and made some poorly people with plasters to remember Jesus heals.

NORBERTINES 900THE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS at the convent at Muston, Filey on Friday 17 September. Fr Thomas Swagger gave a talk on St Norbert and the Norbertines.

ENROLMENT MASS for Confirmation candidates at St Peter’s Church on Sunday 19 September

ST AUGUSTINES SCHOOL CHAPEL A new and stylish chapel has been created in St Augustine’s School for the young people of our parish, complete with stained glass windows, Stations of the Cross, statue of Our Lady of Walsingham & Tabernacle, so the Blessed Sacrament is always present at the school.

Bishop Terence bless the chapel later in the autumn term.

AFGHAN REFUGEES The Rainbow Centre has been supporting the 90+ refugees (inc.64 children) that arrived in Scarborough. They are overwhelmed with the generosity of the people of Scarborough, including our parishioners. So generous was the response that they had more than they could process. St Peter’s Church crypt has provided them with additional storage space. They currently have sufficient clothing, but welcome cash donations to help with ongoing support. we will be holding a retiring collection at all our churches this weekend. Please give generously. Alternatively, you can donate via their website at


CONGRATULATIONS to Stacey Thomson and Joshua Greening, married at St Peter’s on 20 August.

Congratulations to Glennis Cooper who was received into full communion with the Catholic Church at St Peter’s Church Sunday 15 August 2021


CONGRATULATIONS to Julienna Paton, aged 9, who received her First Holy Communion on Saturday 31 July 2021 at the 5.30pm Vigil Mass at St Peter’s.

ST PETER’S SCHOOL Year 6 Leavers Mass of Thanksgiving held at St Joseph’s on Thursday 22 July 2021

90TH BIRTHDAY PARTY of St Edward’s parishioners, Pat Ogden, on 20 July 2021 at St Edwards Hall

MASS OF THANKSGIVING on Monday 19 July for all children who received their First Holy Communion on 10 and 17 July with a party afterwards at St Peter’s School, with entertainment from Magic Mike.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2021 Children from our parishes received their First Holy Communion at St Peter’s on 10 July and at St Joseph’s on 17 July


FR ANDREW SMITH O.PRAEM (RIP) 7 SEPTEMBER 1943 – 2 JULY 2021 Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Andrew Smith O.Praem RIP, former parish priest of St George’s, Eastfield, and St Mary’s, Filey. Fr Andrew’s body was received into St Mary’s Church, Filey at 5pm on Thursday 15 July. His Requiem Mass was held at St George’s Church, Eastfield on Friday 16 July. He was buried at All Saints, Muston, Cemetery

BAPTISM CONGRATULATIONS to Almas Hasan, baptised at St Peter’s Church on 27 June 2021

OUR NEW DEACON Paul Griffin serves at St Joseph’s Sunday morning Mass following his Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate on Sunday 4 July
May be an image of one or more people and indoor
ORDINATION TO THE PERMANENT DIACONATE of Paul Griffin at St Joseph’s Church on Saturday 3 July. Mass was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool, Tom Williams, and concelebrated by Bishop Drainey, Canon Edmond Gubbins, Cannon Alan Sheridan, Fr Phil Cunagh, Fr William Massie and Fr Pat Keogh, with Deacon David Cross also present.
BAPTISM CONGRATS to Jidenna Michael and Kaeto Daniel Oguike, baptised at St Peter’s Church on 11 July 2021.

BAPTISM CONGRATS to Oluwatoni Munachi (Zoe) and Oluwadabira Chizara (Kiara) Abegunde, baptised 12 June  2021 at St Peter’s Church. Oluwatoni means God has done more than enough, and Chizara means God has heard me.

MAY PROCESSION & CROWNING OF MAY QUEEN at our weekend Masses on 29/30 May:
At the 5.30pm St Peter’s Vigil Mass

At the 9.30am St Joseph’s Sunday Mass

At the 11.30am St Peter’s Sunday Mass

MIDDLESBROUGH DIOCESES LOURDES PILGRIMS celebrated Mass at St Peter’s Church, this Wednesday 2 June, and enjoyed a sunny walk along the front with Fr Gubbins.

EASTER 2021 in our churches of St Peter, St Joseph’s, & St Edward the Confessor

EMERALD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Hugh and Josie Davey, who celebrated 55 years of marriage by renewing their vows on Sunday 14 February 2021 at St Peter’s Church